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Grants Support Great Lakes, Arts, Alzheimer’s Research and Sustainable Business Partners

The Fred and Barbara Erb Family Foundation announced nearly $10.7 million in new and ongoing grants as it begins its 10-year spenddown. 

Last fall the Foundation shared its spenddown strategy which included a revised mission statement and refined grant program areas. These changes will be reflected in future grant announcements.

“For the Foundation’s final decade, our grantmaking will focus on future-proofing grant partners so they can carry on their important work when the Foundation is gone,” explained Melissa Damaschke, president of the Erb Family Foundation. “This grant cycle begins to reflect our spenddown priorities as we develop grantmaking strategies for each of the programs and add new team members.”

The Foundation has many longstanding partners including several watershed organizations in metro Detroit. This grant cycle, the Foundation awarded $3.6 million for general operating support to five watershed organizations: Clinton River Watershed CouncilFriends of the Detroit RiverFriends of the RougeHuron River Watershed Council, and River Raisin Watershed Council. General operating support is more flexible, allowing organizations to put funds towards day-to-day operations and ongoing expenses that support their mission.

In this grant cycle, the Foundation also awarded an exit grant of $600,000 to the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition to strengthen the Clear the Air coalition which is working to “build a stronger movement to protect clean air, promote environmental justice, build collaboration on air quality issues, and advance policies that protect clean air and public health in Southeast Michigan and across the state.”

This reflects another change in the Foundation’s grantmaking during its spenddown. Rather than a standalone focus area, environmental justice will continue to guide grantmaking as a lens for Great Lakes and sustainable business programs. Similarly, climate change will be another lens applied to the two areas.

The Erb Family Foundation also partnered with the following organizations, among others:

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