ENVIRONMENT Green Stormwater Infrastructure Chandler Park Conservancy for stormwater management installation and op- erating support for The Chandler Park Conservan- cy. $207,000 paid for year two of a three-year $600,000 grant. Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History for a planning grant for development of a final con- cept and work plan for a collaborative storm water demonstration site between The Wright Museum and the Michigan Science Center. $54,000 Detroit Economic Growth Association for contractor training and matching grants to help property owners construct green infrastructure to manage stormwater and qualify for a credit to- wards the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) drainage charge. $700,000 payable over two years. Detroit Future City to create the Land + Water Works Coalition to amplify Detroiters as land and water stewards through education and installation of green storm- water infrastructure. $326,500 Detroit Greenways Coalition to encourage stormwater management practices in tandem with greenways, especially for Detroit’s lower eastside, Belt Line Greenway, May Creek Greenway, and Inner Circle Greenway. $10,000 Downtown Detroit Partnership to incorporate green stormwater infrastructure into the new Woodward Avenue bike mobility street- scape design. $250,000 Eastside Community Network to continue the Lower East Side Action Plan (LEAP) on the lower east side of Detroit. $250,000 Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities to support green stormwater infrastructure projects within the national Partners for Places matching grant program, catalyzing partnerships between municipal or county-level sustainability directors and local, place-based foundations. $50,000 Great Lakes Commission to catalyze the adoption of green infrastructure practices and policies that can heal the fractured water cycle in mid-sized communities across the binational Great Lakes basin through the creation of a green infrastructure champions mentoring net- work. $245,000 payable over two years. Keep Growing Detroit for the Growing Sustainable Water Solutions project, a collaboration of Keep Growing Detroit, Sierra Club and Friends of The Rouge, to educate and enable residents to build rain gardens, water catch- ment systems and healthy soils to help manage stormwater and conserve water. $136,000 paid for year three of a three-year $383,000 grant. Michigan Community Resources to provide mini grants of up to $5,000 and tech- nical assistance for projects in Detroit that support green stormwater infrastructure. $75,000 The Greening of Detroit • to begin renovating W.I. Meyers Nursery, which will provide important training opportunities for Detroiters as they grow trees and native plants for Detroit’s green stormwater infrastructure. $350,000 payable over two years. • for a challenge grant for general operating support. $50,000 The Nature Conservancy • to advance green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) inDetroitthroughimprovedpolicies,planning,and investmentopportunities.$240,000paidforyear three of a five-year $1,200,000 grant. • to develop a prototype greenstormwater infra- structureprojectdata/knowledgbase fortheCity of Detroit. $241,000 payable over two years. Our Grants 11 Great Lakes