b'ENVIRONMENTGREAT LAKESAlliance For The Great Lakes to helpDetroitStrategicFrameworkIncforInternationalAssociationForGreat the City of Detroit implement integratedLand+WaterWORKS,$125,000toLakes Research-Michigan for a historical water management, $135,000 quantify the market for GSI jobs, $50,000 evaluationoftheGreatLakesAreasof Concern $100,000, over 2 yearsTheAusableBayfieldConservationFreshwaterFuturecontinuedsupport AuthoritycontinuedgeneraloperatingforthebinationalLakeErieCollective,JeffersonEastInctoincorporateGSI support, $33,000 for year 2 of 3 $70,000for the binational Great LakesintotheGrandviewaffordablehousing Network, $150,000 for year 2 of 2 development, $250,000Chandler Park Conservancy to install GSI in Chandler Park, $200,000 for yearFriends Of The Detroit RivercontinuedKeepGrowingDetroittoexplorethe 3 of 3 general operating support, $20,000 forintersection of GSI and urban agriculture, year 3 of 3 $406,203 over 3 yearsCharles H. Wright Museum of African American History to install GSI with theFriendsOfTheRougecontinuedMeridian Instituteto explore a business Michigan Science Center, $157,000 support for Rain Gardens to the Rescue,sustainabilitystrategyforthebinational $330,000over3yearstoplantheGreat Lakes region, $45,000Christ Church Cranbrook to host waterRougeRiverWaterTrail,$76,660 stewardshipworkshopsatHartfordcontinuedgeneraloperatingsupport,MichiganAssociationConservation Memorial Baptist Church, $16,000 $40,000 for year 3 of 3 Districts(MACD)toincreasefarm-Great Lakes Commission for a binationaleradoptionofconservationpractices, ClintonRiverWatershedCouncilmunicipalGSIprogram,$149,000for$162,000 for year 2 of 3continuedsupportforWaterTowns!,year 2 of 2for an economic assessment $85,000,Year3of3continuedoftheGreatLakesRestorationInitiative,Michigan Humanities Council to collect general operating support, $50,000 for$125,000BlueAccounting:ErieStatqualitativedataonwhyMichiganders year 3 of 3 and the Source Water Initiative, $250,000value the Great Lakes, $81,716 for year over 2 years 2 of 3CouncilofMichiganFoundations GreatLakesFundersCollaborationThe Greening of Detroit to renovate theMichiganLeagueOfConservation annual meeting, $25,000 W.I. Meyers Nursery, $100,000 for yearVoters Education Fund for the Lake Erie 2 of 2 Collective, $75,000DetroitEducationalTelevision FoundationGreatLakesNow,HuronRiverWatershedCouncilMichiganStateUniversitytoexpand $750,000 over 3 years continuedgeneraloperatingsupportMichigan Water School, $192,000 over $100,000 for year 3 of 3continued3 yearsto improve water quality in the Detroit Greenways Coalition to plansupport for RiverUp!, $154,000 for yearRiver Raisin and Western Lake Erie Basin, GSI along greenways, $40,000 2 of 3 $100,000 over 2 years22'